Shivedi Traders

We Are One Of The Leading & Trusted Manufacturer/Supplier Of Organic Goods & Herbal Products. Shivaayplants is a curated boutique, offering the finest natural and organic products. These products are also quality checked according to all the quality parameters and approved by our quality controllers. EXPRESSING YOURSELF, ORGANICALLY Whether you prefer a simple and traditional, have a more healthier and daring life, you'll be able to find the products that are right for you.'

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Our Products

Cannaamrit Nabhi Sutra Oil 30ml


Price: INR 1000.00

Shivdan 50gm


Price: INR 1500.00

Cannaamrit ORAC Oil 30ml


Price: INR 2000.00

Hemp Protein Powder 200gm


Price: INR 600.00 /Gram

Hempseed Hearts 200gm


Price: INR 500.00 /Gram

Our Updates

*5 benefits of CBD as a better alternative medicine compared to opioids & steroids.*

Opioids and steroids are commonly used to manage pain. While they are effective in the short term, long-term use can lead to various side effects, physical and psychological dependence. Patients may not be able to tolerate the side effects or the general feeling of being ‘dependent’ on these adverse medications. This is where alternative therapie...

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Hemp Seed vs Flax Seed

Flax Seed Vs Hemp Seed You have probably heard of these names making their way into the wellbeing world. Flax seed and Hemp seed are two of the most powerful plant foods now available, but they have been around for quite a while. Flax seeds have been grown since the beginning of civilisation, used as a traditional remedy in Mediterranean culture...

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सोमरस, Somavallī (सोमवल्ली):—One of the sixty-four Divyauṣadhi, which are powerful drugs for solidif...

दरअसल, सोमरस, मदिरा और सुरापान तीनों में फर्क है। ऋग्वेद में शराब की घोर निंदा करते हुए कहा गया है- ।।हृत्सु पीतासो युध्यन्ते दुर्मदासो न सुरायाम्।। अर्थात : सुरापान करने या नशीले पदार्थों को पीने वाले अक्सर युद्ध, मार-पिटाई या उत्पात मचाया करते हैं। वेदों की इन ऋचाओं से जाना जा सकता है कि सोमरस क्या था। ऋग्वेद की एक ऋचा में लिखा गया है कि '...

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Ways to sober up from being cannabis high

Any cannabis consumer can tell you that if there’s one feeling no one enjoys, it’s the moment when you realize, “I’m too high.” Maybe the edible kicked in three hours late. Anecdotally speaking, the average cannabis high can last anywhere between 30 minutes to 2 hours at its peak, with some lingering effects still felt for a period of time after...

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Cannabinoids in breast milk

The endocannabinoid system and its receptors are of great importance during prenatal development, but they are also relevant after childbirth. Not everybody is aware that there are already natural cannabinoids in breast milk and what role they play in the development of a human. In 2004, the European Journal of Pharmacology published a study that...

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CBD - Cannabinoids in other plants

There Are Other Plants Like Cannabis Whaddayaknow! Cannabis is not the only one! We were intrigued to learn that marijuana is not the only plant with cannabinoid-like compounds, all with their own unique and healthful properties. What's more—most of these plants are legal in the U.S. So, read on to learn about compounds similar to cannabinoids (i...

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A new wave of research points toward cannabinoids having an adaptive, immunomodulating effect. Cannabis sativa has been consumed for health and nutritional purposes for thousands of years. Many ancient civilizations – from the Chinese to the Greeks – included cannabis in their pharmacopoeia. Back then, no one questioned how or why cannabis relie...

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Can CBD and THC in Cannabis Be Used for Glaucoma Treatment?

Can Cannabis be Used for Glaucoma Treatment? Going back to the 1970s, studies have shown that cannabinoids can alleviate glaucoma-related symptoms because they lower the intraocular pressure (IOP) and have neuroprotective actions. For example, in 1971, one of the first studies of its kind found ingestion of cannabis lowers IOP by 25 to 30 percent...

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It's True CBD Oil is the Key Ingredient for Healthier Hair

Move over, coconut oil, JBCO, baobab oil etc..., there’s a new oil that is changing the game. It’s CBD Oil in your hair oil  CBD stands for Cannabidiol, an extract derived from hemp or cannabis plants. It’s the second most prevalent compound in cannabis, right after THC, which is the one that gets people “high.” Unlike THC, CBD has no intoxicati...

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Our Body’s Endocannabinoid System And How Taking CBD Oil Daily Can Help It.

Isn’t it something how our body works this way…. It’s as if they were meant to work together or something… The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is a biological system composed of endocannabinoids, which are endogenous lipid-based retrograde neurotransmitters that bind to cannabinoid receptors, and cannabinoid receptor proteins that are expressed thr...

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Drugs that May Interact with Cannabis Oil

prescription pills CBD oil interacts with certain prescription medications, which is why you should always consult your doctor before using cannabidiol.  CBD Oil Drug Interactions – The CYP450 Pathway Research has begun to demonstrate that cannabidiol (CBD) has the potential to effectively help a large number of people. CBD oil interacts with the...

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Real life Experience of Medical Cannabis Treatment in Autism: Analysis of Safety and Efficacy

Abstract There has been a dramatic increase in the number of children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) worldwide. Recently anecdotal evidence of possible therapeutic effects of cannabis products has emerged. The aim of this study is to characterize the epidemiology of ASD patients receiving medical cannabis treatment and to describe...

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Things You Never Knew about Cannabis Tinctures

Cannabis tinctures are quickly becoming the go-to delivery method for a lot of people. Cannabis tinctures are one of the best, most underrated delivery methods for cannabis. They provide a fast and efficient dosage of medicine with minimal effort. And although tinctures date back well before the pre-Prohibition era, they are an unfamiliar del...

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The Arthritis Foundation, for the first time ever, released a series of CBD suggestions for adults w...

The Arthritis Foundation recognizes that approximately 80% of arthritis sufferers have and still use CBD or cannabis, and that such use will continue to grow. The foundation, for the first time ever, released a series of CBD, or cannabidiol, suggestions for adults with arthritis. The organization’s CBD guidance, which came about as the result of...

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Why Is Coconut Oil Popular for Cannabis Infusion

cannabis-infused coconut oil uses and benefits Coconut oil has managed to infuse its way into some of our industry’s most sought-after products, including edibles and topicals, but why? The reason can be attributed to a few important factors. First, coconut oil has among the highest concentration of fatty acids (saturated fats). The surplus of th...

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If we hear this one more time, we're going to lose it.   "You need some THC to activate the CBD".   It's almost dogma in the cannabis community.   It's one of those things that just keeps recycling among people with no real basis.   SO frustrating.   Let's set the record straight based on research.   We'll try to put a dent in this mi...

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How To Avoid Cancer

To Avoid Cancer. ************* If anybody follows the following tips nobody will have cancer or any major illness.  1. Don't overeat nonvegan. Always eat cooked or Sholow fry nonvegan. Red meat is a friend of cancer.  2. Turn off the sugar and use pure jaggery instead.  11 chemical processes are used when making sugar.  This is a cancer girlfri...

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Every person has cancer cells in the body..

AFTER YEARS OF TELLING PEOPLE CHEMOTHERAPY IS THE ONLY WAY TO TRY ('TRY', BEING THE KEY WORD) TO ELIMINATE CANCER, JOHNS HOPKINS IS FINALLY STARTING TO TELL YOU THERE IS AN ALTERNATIVE WAY ..  Cancer Update from Johns Hopkins:  1. Every person has cancer cells in the body.. These cancer cells do not show up in the standard tests until they have...

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CBD Oil and Fertility: What You Need To Know

Infertility is something both men and women struggle with. So, does CBD oil help or hurt your chances at pregnancy?   CBD oil has been praised for its many potential health benefits and its use in the treatment of several chronic and acute conditions. However, despite CBD oil’s growing popularity, there are still a number of unanswered quest...

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Cannabinoid Pathways Are The Map To Your Healing

Knowledge about cannabinoid pathways can improve the benefits you receive from medical cannabis. When it comes to cannabis most people just think of a joint, rather than the complex chemical structure of the plant itself. However, the different compounds and cannabinoid pathways are incredibly fascinating to learn about.  Cannabis is made up of d...

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A Look Into the Benefits of Cannabis for Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia and accounts for approximately 30 million cases worldwide. Because of the increasing global life expectancy, this prevalence is expected to nearly quadruple by 2050. With these numbers on the rise, researchers are looking for novel approaches to prevent and treat the disease—and cann...

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Interesting Facts About Cannabis And The Endocannabinoid System

Researchers are still trying to wrap their minds around the endocannabinoid system; how it functions and its role in our overall health. After all, it wasn’t until the 1990s that scientists inadvertently discovered the body’s CB1 receptors within the brain and central nervous system when attempting to determine what effects THC have on the human...

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Non-psychoactive cannabis ingredient could help addicts stay clean

Preclinical study using rats shows that Cannabidiol can reduce the risk of relapse Date: March 23, 2018 Source: Springer Summary: A preclinical study in rats has shown that there might be value in using a non-psychoactive and non-addictive ingredient of the Cannabis sativa plant to reduce the risk of relapse among recovering drug and alcohol addi...

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The Definitive Guide to Cannabis Oil Treatment for Cancer

A Cannabis Oil Syringe. If you are looking for an alternative to treat your cancer or alleviate the symptoms, or simply to get the best information about this topic, this definite guide to Cannabis Oil Treatment for Cancer, will definitely be a good starting point. THC - Tetrahydrocannabinol THC is the principal ingredient in cannabis,...

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Cannabis Sativa

* Chemicals are found in the plants of cannabidiol. The construction is cuffs and the trips. Today we acquire you with its medicinal properties. * -  In the event of not coming, it is used by the physicians as medicines. - By making the format of the leaves of the leaves, 2-3 bowls in the ear is good medicine for headache. In the aromatic disease...

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Pechoti Method: Cannabis Oil Delivery Through The Belly Button

Did you know you could stick cannabis in your b-b-b bellybutton? I bet you thought I was going to say butt which many report to work incredibly, but that’s another story. Many people are unaware that you can use cannabis by applying in and around their belly button. Now, you’re not packing weed in your belly button like a bowl. Nor are you blow...

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