By   Bhupendra Shivedi
Tue, 06-Aug-2019, 11:04

man holding pregnancy test with woman in background

Infertility is something both men and women struggle with. So, does CBD oil help or hurt your chances at pregnancy?


CBD oil has been praised for its many potential health benefits and its use in the treatment of several chronic and acute conditions. However, despite CBD oil’s growing popularity, there are still a number of unanswered questions like, does CBD oil affect fertility?

Currently, there’s a lack of evidence to definitively state whether CBD oil has a positive or negative effect on human fertility. While products derived from cannabis are now legalized in most states, there are ethical implications of conducting tests on individuals who are trying to become pregnant. Because of this, we may not have a conclusive answer as to whether CBD oil impacts fertility for years to come. 

While using CBD oil may indirectly help with conception-related issues that aren’t physical in nature (e.g. sleep and mood), there are also studies that have shown CBD oil consumption could negatively affect fertility. In short, the jury’s still out on whether using CBD oil could positively or negatively affect one’s ability to get pregnant, which is why it’s important to do as much research as possible on CBD oil and fertility before making a final decision.  

Below, we’ll go over what we currently know about CBD oil’s potential benefits and risks as they apply to human fertility. With this information, you can decide on the best path forward for you and your partner.

CBD Oil and Fertility in People Without a Medical Explanation

For some people, conceiving is difficult for reasons that aren’t purely medical. Sometimes there are lifestyle factors or mental roadblocks that get in the way of successful conception; in these cases, CBD oil may be able to help.

CBD Oil May Improve Fertility Through Sleep

Researchers believe there may be a correlation between insomnia and low fertility rates, with a studies suggesting the link is so strong that sleep disorders could be considered comorbid with botmale and female infertility. 

CBD oil can do a number of things to improve sleep quality, including regulating the production of catabolic hormones like cortisol. Cortisol is often referred to as a “stress hormone” because it is released when the body feels threatened by real or perceived danger. Cortisol can prevent the onset of sleep, or stop us from sleeping deeply, limiting the REM sleep that our body needs.

As an anti-catabolic supplement, CBD oil interferes with the secretion of cortisol, allowing for a better, deeper, and more restful sleep, according to a studyperformed at the University of San Paolo, Brazil. With this in mind, it’s possible that CBD use could improve a person’s sleep, thereby improving their chances of conceiving a child.

You can learn more about CBD oil and sleep in our post about CBD and its effects on sleep and insomnia.

CBD Oil May Improve Fertility Through Mood

You may have heard about people with ongoing fertility struggles suddenly—and “miraculously”—conceiving successfully without much explanation as to why

Believe it or not, your mood and mental wellness can play an important role in pregnancy and fertility. Studies on both male and female test subjects have found links between poor mental health and decreased fertility rates, finding a possible correlation between stress, anxiety, and depression’s effect on the release of hormones that regulate ovulation in women, and sperm production in men. 

The role CBD oil can play in elevating a person’s mood is due to its impact on a range of neurotransmitters, most notably anandamide and adenosine. 

Anandamide is commonly called the “bliss molecule” and is responsible for feelings of joy, happiness, and motivation. CBD oil acts as an anandamide reuptake inhibitor, stopping the neurotransmitter from being reabsorbed and thus increasing the amount which is present in the brain, resulting in an improved and elevated mood.

CBD oil works similarly on the reuptake of adenosine. While this process is much less understood, it is believed that adenosine receptor A2A, when triggered, plays a role in anxiety and depression. By inhibiting the A2A receptor, mood is elevated and depressive symptoms are reduced. 

While CBD oil may provide part of a solution to mood-induced fertility issues, there could still be a myriad of other factors at play affecting a person’s ability to get pregnant.

How CBD Oil May Help with the Main Causes of Infertility

Two primary and manageable contributors to infertility are obesity and smoking. Luckily, CBD oil can help in reducing and ultimately putting an end to both of these afflictions.

CBD oil has been known to reduce addictive behaviors and can help people quit nicotine. CBD oil can also improve sleepreduce stress and anxiety, and reduce the pain associated with working out—all risk factors for weight gain.

CBD Oil and Fertility: The Risks

Unfortunately, when it comes to fertility, CBD oil is not without its risks. 

A number of studies conducted on animal test subjects have produced results that suggest CBD oil may actually inhibit fertility. One study on male mice found a 30% reduction in fertility rate in the group that had been treated with cannabidiol (CBD oil), while another trial of CBD on sea urchinsfound that “cannabinoids directly affect the process of fertilization in sea urchins by reducing the fertilizing capacity of sperm.”

While there isn’t a definitive correlation between these studies and the effects of CBD oil on humans’ fertility,  it’s worth taking into account when considering your options.

CBD Oil and Fertility: The Jury’s Still Out

Deciding whether or not to use CBD oil when trying to become pregnant is complicated. 

While CBD oil is typically considered to be very safe, with the World Health Organization (WHO) stating CBD oil is generally well tolerated, more research is needed on the effects of CBD oil on fertility rates in humans, specifically.

At this point, it’s best to speak to your doctor about all of your options when it comes to infertility treatments. Together you can decide if CBD oil is right for you and your family planning goals. You can also consult with a cannabis doctor who specializes in using cannabidiol as a medical treatment option. 


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