Hemp Protein Powder 200gm

Price: INR 600.00 /Gram


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Did you know hemp is one of nature’s best sources for a plant-based protein?

Made from grinding the seeds of a hemp plant, hemp protein powder is full of essential fats and vitamins. In fact, hemp protein contains all 20 amino acids, including all 9 essential amino acids.

Unlike most plant proteins, hemp is a quality source for amino acids.

This is why hemp is considered to be a complete plant-based protein.

Plus, hemp seeds also supply the body with fiber and minerals.

Curious to learn more?

Consider these 15 incredible benefits of hemp protein.

#1) Boosts Immune System

Consuming hemp protein is a simple yet highly effective way to supply the body with a nutritious boost.

Hemp seeds contain the globular proteins – edestin and albumin. Why is this important? Enzymes, antibodies, hormones, and fibrinogen are all made from globular proteins.

In addition, edestin and albumin also make up the fluid in a portion of the blood plasma. As a result, these proteins are essential to supporting a healthy immune system.

#2) Increases Energy Levels  

Feeling lethargic? Turns out you may want to swap your daily dose of caffeine for hemp protein.

Hemp protein powder contains all essential fatty acids. When fatty acids are ingested, they produce twice as much energy as carbohydrates. In addition, proteins take longer to break down in the body. This, in turn, causes energy to be released much slower.

So not only does hemp increase energy levels, it also sustains energy throughout the day.

#3) Strengthens Hair

Hemp protein is loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, omega-6 fatty acids, and omega-9 fatty acids. This ultra-high concentration of healthy fats helps promote healthy hair growth.

In addition, omega-3 fatty acids also add sheen and luster to the hair. Some research even suggests omega-3 fatty acids are shown to reverse hair loss.

Omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids support hair growth and thickening.

#4) Reduces Inflammation 

Did you know hemp has an ideal ratio of fatty acids along with other nutrients to reduce inflammation?

In fact, according to one study published in the Journal of Arthritis and Rheumatism, ingesting the GLA (gamma linolenic acid) protein in hemp alleviated arthritis symptoms by 20%.

Essentially, by intervening with the body’s ability to produce pro-inflammatory molecules, GLA reduced chronic inflammation.

#5) Improves Digestion

Conventional protein powders like whey are loaded with animal products such as lactose.

Although many protein producers claim their products contain minimal levels of lactose, even a small amount can cause a chain reaction – particularly for those who are lactose intolerant. As a result, some people may experience bloating, gassiness, and other internal distresses from consuming lactose.

Hemp seeds, on the other hand, actually aid in digestion. Due to the high concentration of soluble and insoluble fiber, hemp protein puts the digestive tract at ease.

#6) Repairs Muscle 

Hemp seed products have a protein quality equal to or greater than certain grains and nuts.

When it comes to restoring muscle tissue, bodybuilders and athletes alike turn to protein powders. After all, protein is key to building muscle.

However, what many people are not aware of is that hemp is a complete protein source. Containing all essential amino acids, hemp protein helps repair body muscle and tissue.

Better yet, as a plant-based protein, hemp protein powder supplies the body with sufficient protein but is also hypoallergenic and suitable for people with soy, gluten, egg, or dairy sensitivities.

#7) Conditions Scalp 

Battling a dry, itchy, or irritated scalp? Hemp protein naturally conditions the scalp. Because hemp seeds contain Vitamin E as well as a high concentration of essential fatty acids, hemp is great for soothing the scalp. The protein can be consumed in tablet or powder form.

#8) Fight Heart Disease 

Heart disease is the number one cause of deathacross the world. Yet, consumption of hemp protein has shown to reduce the risk of heart disease.

Hemp is loaded with fiber, healthy fats, and a host of vital nutrients.

Additionally, hemp protein also contains high amounts of the amino acids arginine. Arginine is used for the production of nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is a gaseous substance in the body that causes the blood vessels to expand. This in-turn leads to lowered levels of blood pressure, reducing the risk of heart disease.

#9) Builds Lean Muscle 

Hemp protein is considered to be one of nature’s superfoods.

Not only does hemp offer a complete amino acid profile, it also includes all muscle-building amino acids such as BCAA (branched chain amino acids).

BCAA increases the rate of muscle protein synthesis while simultaneously preventing the loss of muscle tissue. In addition, hemp also contains globulins albumin and edestin – two of the most abundant proteins in the human body.

BCAAs help your body’s ability to recover post-training.  

#10) Curbs Hunger Cravings

Resisting the urge to go for that midnight snack can be a tough battle.

Howeverhemp protein powder all helps curb hunger cravings and makes you feel fuller over a longer period of time.

The secret?

Hemp is rich in fiber.

Fiber not only promotes a healthy digestive system, it also helps us feel fuller longer.

In addition, fiber has also shown to reduce cravings and sustain weight loss. T

he higher fiber content of the hemp plant is also believed to help prevent chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and even cancer.

#11) Relieves Eczema 

Did you know hemp is incredibly effective at combating dryness and irritation associated with eczema?

The essential fatty acids jampacked in hemp protein act as an internal moisturizer.

As a result, hemp protein combats the dry and cracking skin by reducing irritation.

study done in Finland in the Journal of Dermatological Treatment found over the course of a 20-week period, hemp remarkably reduced dryness and irritation in eczema patients.

#12) Reduces Osteoporosis Risk 

Osteoporosis is a crippling condition characterized by a decrease in bone strength. Consuming hemp protein powder can help.

There are currently over 75 million people affected by osteoporosis in Europe, the United States, and Japan. Often undetected for years, many people discover they have developed the condition once fracturing or breaking a bone.

There are a number of factors that may influence the onset of osteoporosis. However, studiessuggest that people who have a deficit in essential fatty acids (particularly GLA and EPA) are more likely to experience bone loss than those with normal levels.

Again, hemp protein is crammed with these essential fatty acids. 

#13) Cleanses the Colon 

Hemp is easily absorbed by the body due to its high fiber content.

Containing insoluble and soluble fiber, hemp protein naturally cleanses the colon.

In fact, hemp protein can reduce constipation and remove toxins from the body.

The benefits don’t end there.

In addition to protecting the gut, hemp protein’s high fiber concentration also lowers your risk for developing diarrhea or hemorrhoids.

Needless to say, it’s well worth it to add a little hemp protein powder to your morning shake. At the very least, hemp will help to keep your colon in check.

#14) Boosts Metabolism 

Did you know that without proper protein intake, it’s extraordinarily difficult to lose weight?

Protein intake is vital to our health.

Supporting healthy protein levels boosts the metabolism as well as increases our fat-burning potential.

As a high-protein source, hemp powder prevents protein deficiency.

#15) Regulates Cholesterol Levels

If you need to lower or regulate your cholesterol levels, hemp protein powder is a fantastic source.

Hemp seeds are loaded with healthy fats our bodies do not produce.

The essential fatty acids in hemp help reduce levels of unhealthy fats.

In addition, they also decrease the build of plaque in the arteries. Easy to incorporate in drinks or meals, adding hemp protein can help maintain healthy cholesterol levels for maximum health.

*How to use hemp protein powder*

Hemp protein powder is incredibly resourceful in the kitchen. It can be added into a range of recipes to get the most out of its nutrients. Want to know how to use hemp protein powder. Try adding hemp protein powder 1 table spoon in any food you like any time in a day and also try to reach 3 table spoon a day for fast recovery

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