By   Bhupendra Shivedi
Sat, 29-Jun-2019, 08:39

Did you know you could stick cannabis in your b-b-b bellybutton? I bet you thought I was going to say butt which many report to work incredibly, but that’s another story. Many people are unaware that you can use cannabis by applying in and around their belly button.

Now, you’re not packing weed in your belly button like a bowl. Nor are you blowing smoke in your belly button. What you’re doing is utilizing cannabis oil via a technique called the Pechoti intake method. The Pechoti gland is located behind the belly button. Additionally, during pregnancy, the umbilical cord carries nutrients from the mother to her baby through a connection made with the Pechoti gland.

After the umbilical cord is cut, the Pechoti gland remains with over 70 million nerves are running over this gland to tissues and organs throughout the body. One of the oldest holistic healing systems in the world is ayurvedic medicine which is a system of medicine focusing on the balance and integration of spirit, mind, and body.


Plant Medicine Is as Old as Time

Those who practice this form of medicine commonly applied essential oils to the belly button. Rasayana Ayurvedic was the goal for many who practiced early ayurvedic medicine. This term is one that refers to a path of essence or the science of increasing one’s lifespan. Placing essential oils in or on the belly button allows the Pechoti gland to absorb the cannabinoids. Reports state that this method helps with a variety of different ailments both physical and mental.

Absorbing oil through this technique may help improve eyesight, relieve joint pains, help with gastrointestinal issues, lethargy, dry eyes, and more. This unique method of delivery for cannabinoids allows these essential plant compounds to disperse throughout the body. This method is also supposed to work for both men and women. The next time you have a belly ache, cramps or sore muscles in your stomach, try a little cannabis oil on your Pechoti gland.


#Cannabis oil


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